Monday, July 25, 2011

water your heart

my flowers are thirsty. wilting. dying. they need water to survive, i know this. i DONT know why i don't water them regularly. i don't want them to die. i walk past them daily, look at them wilting and thirsty,  and literally say out loud..." i've got to water my flowers today".  sometimes i do. sometimes i don't. life takes over and busyness reigns. i get distracted by the 47 other things that need to be done and the flowers take a back seat.
my heart is like those flowers.  not that it's wilting and dying. but it is thirsty.  and when i don't 'water it', as in let the water of the WORD wash over it, teach it, guide it, encourage it, strengthen it...well, it does tend to wilt.  the longer we go between intimate times of worship and prayer in daily, quiet, alone settings, the more our hearts have a tendency to become dry and immune to the quickening of the Holy Spirit.  oh that we would water our hearts!! they need the thirst-quenching truth of the WORD to survive!

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