Thursday, January 19, 2012

proverbs {paraphrased}

p r o v e r b s  4:23

'...above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.'

no matter what...whether storms come, struggles arise, circumstances change, life gets crazy, today seems   unbearable or tomorrow insurmountable... no matter what he says, she said, or they do...
protect the state of your heart.  do not neglect it. put all your care into the keeping of it.
knowing that everything you say or do is a reflection of what is in your heart.
whatever is in your heart will overflow into the moments and days of your life...from conversations to conflicts, relationships to reactions and responses, decisions and what you do, to what you see and what you say.  it all comes down to what is hidden in your heart.

1 comment:

Auburn Time said...

Crystal, thank you for this timely word. I appreciated how you expounded on the necessity to "guard" our hearts. I know I can become slack with this in my life. I have enjoy your music, I have just began to familiarize and know it. I especially love the song, "GOD'S Been Good To Me." I know everyday that I have lived and will continue to live, that HE'S Been Good To Me and Will Do So Each Day! I could write a book on HIS Goodness shown to me, I am Very Grateful and Thankful for WHO HE IS IN MY LIFE! I wish you would have a concert near Gadsden, Alabama, I would come. May HE continue to Bless and Keep You! In HIS LOVE and Grace, Sissy