Sunday, September 1, 2013

the STANDard :: september

i spend an embarrassing amount of time over-thinking my future.  comparing where i've been with where i am with where i think i might be going.  i search the scriptures for clues and hints and answers. i come up with plans and strategies, initiate ideas, take steps... often only to come up empty and discouraged.  i recently read something that has helped me reevaluate my M.O.

Psalm 138:8
the Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, o Lord, endures forever.

a couple things about this that stand out to me.

one:  the LORD will fulfill
I will not be the one doing the fulfilling. God will do it in me.  yes, i can do all things through Christ... but not apart from Him.  and ultimately it's in HIS strength that i'll be doing it in anyway.  not mine.  in fact, in my strength... as i've proved time and time again... ain't nothing going nowhere.   in light of this fact, i will move forward with a sense of release and freedom.  letting go, letting God. i absolutely have a tendency to want to cling to what is familiar, afraid of letting that go, afraid of embracing what lies ahead because, well, i can't see what that is.  i can't embrace the future, my purpose, if i'm clutching on to the past. but i CAN let go because it is the LORD that will fulfill.  

two:  His purpose for me
HE has a PURPOSE for me.  HE has a PURPOSE for you.  you were born ON PURPOSE.  this blows my mind.  the Creator of the universe, commander of ANGEL ARMIES!! HE made me on purpose.

*stop and think of that*

HIS purpose.  proverbs 16:9 says we make our plans... but the LORD determines our steps.  i stand in awe of the fact that He wants to guide and use me at all.  this fact reassures me when i feel disappointed or defeated.  as i mentioned above, i can easily get caught up in my circumstances, what i don't have, what i can't see. but i take heart because i BELIEVE that God will enable me to get up.  again. and again. He will enable me to keep going. because HE has a plan and purpose for me.

three:  your love, o Lord, endures forever
forever is not a word that we can fully comprehend.  we say it flippantly daily.  God says it with the full weight of it's meaning behind it.  eternity. forever. endless. He will not fail. He will not fade. He can NOT be defeated. His love endures FOREVER. i can trust Him.  He is worthy. my worry is unfounded based on this fact alone. His LOVE endures FOREVER!

September is my birthday month (the 11th)  and i like to treat it as my own personal new year.  therefore,  this verse will not only serve as my meditation for the month, but also as my plumb-line for the year.  the verse that will keep me centered, weighted and vertical as i move forward into the future.

here it is one more time:

Psalm 138:8
The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me!
your love, o Lord, endures forever

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is exactly what I needed to hear and read today. So today's purpose for me....was to read what YOU put on your website! Funny how that works! :)

My New Living Translation version:

Psalm 138:8 The Lord will work out his plans for my life-for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.

Thank Crystal. Have a GREAT day today. God Bless. Can't wait for the new music.