Saturday, September 3, 2011

all day long

the first single from plain and simple is 'all day long'. it's based on Psalm 25, specifically verses 4 and 5 which say:
'...Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me,  for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.'
i was brought to this realization one day as i felt particularly needy.  i just seemed to struggle from hour to hour, each 'season' of my day {morning/afternoon/evening} brought a new frustration, realization, irritation, uphill battle at every turn.  i don't remember if it was that morning, or the next, that i read Psalm 25.  I was quickly reminded that my hope and trust in the Lord is something that has to be renewed... ALL DAY LONG!  and that his mercies are new every morning! that he is ABLE and WILLING to provide and protect at every turn.
the song starts out:
'in the morning, before my feet hit the ground, before the cares of the day creep in and crowd out your voice, i remember the promise i've found to be true and all day long my hope is in you'.
i have learned...ok, i'm still learning... that it is enormously important to start my day with Jesus.  not with Facebook. not with email. not with Twitter. with Jesus.  HIS words are far more valuable to me than any others, and yet all too often i get caught up in what the world has to say to me first thing in the morning, rather than seeking out Gods word{s} for me for that day.  so, what i like to try to do is grab my phone, before i even put my feet on the ground, open up my Bible app, and read a Psalm or Proverb. i like reading the corresponding Proverb to that day's date. {as there are 31 of them, its kind of a simple place to start} i use my phone as my alarm clock so it's right next to my bed when i wake up.
i truly believe that this first step helps to strengthen and remind me of Gods promises throughout the rest of the day. its true, we may encounter frustrations, realizations, irritations, and fears, but it's also true that our battle is not against flesh and blood {Ephesians 6:12}... and we have direct access to the weapons with which we can fight and win the battle.
'My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.' {Psalm 25:15}

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