Friday, September 2, 2011

if God made it, it eat

tomatoes from our local farmers market

we're on a health kick.  that i hope lasts forever!  this section of the blog is dedicated to healthy living.  i truly believe that this Earth is not my home, that Heaven is! i believe with all my heart that God knows my days, my thoughts...that he knew my beginning and knows my end.  so one could argue that eating healthy and exercising come to nothing in the end.
HOWEVER, i believe that God calls us each to be good stewards of what he's given us here on this Earth...and that includes, but is not limited to, our bodies.  no. they won't last forever. yes. we'll get new ones!!!!  but until that day, i think we should treat the ones we've got with some respect.  
that said... our family motto (thanks to Troy the Trainer, Trainer Troy, Dr. Pain, the Mean Muscle Man etc...more on him later!) has become: if God made it, Eat It.  the flip side of which would be...if God didn't make it...put it down!  
from here on out i'll be posting photos and recipes (if i can get them from my husband...he never writes things down, and i don't really cook) and tips and tricks on fitness and living well.
i'm excited to invite you into our journey!

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