Thursday, November 1, 2012

12 in 2012 {november}

i'm 43. and i'm so grateful for the fact that 'His mercies are new EVERY morning! '.
somedays i feel like a dummy because i'm so desperate for those mercies. i think...'i'm too far along (in both years and in my relationship with the Lord) to keep needing them the way i do'. and yet, more and more, i'm realizing the reason for the promise of new mercies is because HE KNOWS WE NEED THEM!

i truly believe that as humans, we'll never be completely whole until Jesus comes again.  we were created with a divine discontent in our hearts, a need for Christ, an emptiness only HE can fill.  a desire to need him more, to want a deeper understanding of him, to love him beyond what we think our feeble hearts can, to hear him more clearly, to grow and flourish in his spirit, for his name.

so i fall to my knees...again. and i say:

" me your ways, O Lord, ( i want to know how You do things.  how You want me to do things.  i want your M.O. to be my M.O.) teach me your paths (  i still have much to learn.  where is your path? teach me where it is and how to stay on it. give me clarity in direction when there's a fork in the road and at every turn) guide me in your truth and teach me set up clear boundaries for me to stay within.  take my hand and keep me from slipping into anything that might be dishonoring to your name.  i seek only to follow your leading)   for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." ( i believe you are who you say you are, with all my heart.  no matter what happens throughout the day, from hour to hour circumstances can change, but YOU remain on the throne.)                                        Psalm 25:4+5 

this almost feels like going back to the basics.  and while i do truly believe that God is always urging us forward (Isa. 43: 18+19), i also believe that we are to continually strengthen the foundation our faith is built upon.  we need reminders.  this verse is a good reminder for me.

Psalm 25:4+5
"show me your ways, o Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."


Scott said...

Crystal, my mom has played your music in our house since I was a kid and I still listen to your music today. It's a source of encouragement to me. Having stumbled upon your blog I've been really nourished by your honesty and your humility. Really, you are like a pastor in the way you talk about God and how you are seeking him. Thanks for sharing your gift of song and for sharing your blog! - Scott from Canada

Holland Lewis said...

I "dialed in" intentionally to see what was on your mind, since you were on my mind. We had a really good, important day in Richland this morning...fresh evidence of God both "moving us forward" (ie. Isa. 43:18-19) and back to basics (Matthew 5:44). Regained strength with extended nap, once we got for a productive evening to finish a valuable Lord's day. Oh my goodness...hope you are OK with this...several pictures of your hands in your collection below...oh my! I recognize those hands...fingers. Do you you know of whom they are "carbon copies"?

Love, dad