Sunday, December 1, 2013

the STANDard :: december

i realize it's only December 1st (or 2nd actually,  since as i'm writing this the clock has struck midnight) but as we begin the end of this year, i'm finding it equally thought-provoking to observe what lies behind as well as to contemplate what might lay before me.  however, in this moment, i want to focus on whats ahead.  this has been a rather rough year.  more rocky roads and challenges in the span of 12 months than i remember in years past.  from walking through some things as a family to walking alongside some friends through extremely difficult circumstances, i'm being just plain honest as i say… i'm kinda glad to see 2014 on the horizon.  and while i absolutely believe that 2013 was held in the hands of my Saviour, and all has been, or still will be, perfectly orchestrated for my good, according to His will… i am also expecting GREAT things to come.

today, Dec. 1, is the first Sunday of Advent. this month of Christmas celebration is going to be full of expectation.  Advent is the anticipation of Christ's coming.  and while we know that He already came… our wonderful counselor, mighty God, prince of peace, everlasting father… hence our reason for celebrating Christmas at all, we also know that HE IS COMING AGAIN! we live in anticipation of the second advent! we expect Him.  and while we wait, we hope. and in our hope we have courage to stand and endure.

my verse for this final month of 2013 is Psalm 27:14 (AMP)

"wait and hope for and EXPECT the LORD; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. yes, wait for and hope for and EXPECT the Lord."

God has good things in store for 2014! ways for us to grow and flourish! ways for us to be challenged and pruned, ways for us to work and mature, ways for us to serve and learn.  no matter what… we can EXPECT God to move! let the anticipation of His presence push you forward…

oh! real quick…. speaking of 2014… so much in store!
i'll be relaying information on all kinds of new things in the coming weeks!
first up… since we are on the subject of the STANDard… i've FINALLY completed a project i've had in mind to do for a couple of years:

the STANDard cards!!!

since i started writing this feature on the first of each month (you can read more about the initial idea here…and here...) i have also consistently written my verse for each month on a card that i keep either in my office, in my bedroom or in my Bible.  sometimes in all three places!  i'm not much of an artist (you can see my attempts above), so i asked a handful of my beautiful and talented artist friends in Montana to help me out.  i had them each draw up their own interpretation of a STANDard and made them into sets of 12 cards, one for each month of the year on which to write your own verse!  (see photo below)

i can't wait to use them! now… a set of these STANDard cards will be included in the Kickstarter rewards of 70$ and up.  so you may already be set to receive one! but i'm thrilled to announce that after the first of the year, they'll be available on my website for purchase!  i hope if you haven't already, you'll choose to join me this next year in memorizing/meditating on a verse each month.

ps here is a list of my amazing artist friends that contributed to the STANDard cards:

Ashley Rodriguez // Thorn + Sparrow
Leah Eash // Leah Eash Designs
Elisha Guido // Elisha Guido Writes
Abby Sue Carlson // Karlsson Photography

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved this. I'm looking forward to 2014 with great anticipation too... Memorizing all of my scripture verses and learning to apply them has been exactly what I needed, deepening, enriching, challenging. Thank you!! Also. I need a set of those cards!